
Cars may need fixing, houses may need repairs, and the occasional broken bone needs to mend. You’re used to fixing things and waiting for things to heal! That’s the nature of life – that things will certainly break and you must decide how to fix what you can. When it comes to your joints, it’s […]

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We are very happy to announce that we were recently selected as a Phase Two site for an osteoarthritis study. We are one of only 25 sites in the world selected and one of only 9 sites in the United States to qualify (the rest are in Europe). We can’t share too many details, aside […]

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On her 30th Bloomsday, there’s not much that surprises Debra Peale anymore. She knows every mile. She knows exactly what she’ll have for breakfast and where to look for the nuns, the vulture suit and her husband after the race. But the thing that never gets old, she says, is watching the other racers. “Everybody […]

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