
Your joints can make a lot of noises: popping, cracking, and snapping. It could be the casual knuckle crack that you do while thinking or the pop in your knees or ankles when you stand up suddenly. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about the chorus of noises that your joints […]

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  Prior to going in for orthopedic surgery it is ideal to begin advanced planning to prepare yourself and your home for the recovery process. After surgery has been completed, you will likely be sent home with special instructions on how to heal over time. It will be extremely important to follow the instructions and […]

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  Recent studies have shown that prolonged instances of sitting raises the risk of many diseases and ailments. Sitting has been compared to smoking due to emerging research indicating “that sitting increases your risk of death and disease, even if you are getting plenty of physical activity. It’s a bit like smoking. Smoking is bad […]

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Does it hurt when you walk or run? Do you get repetitive injuries when you exercise? That might be your body telling you that your mechanics are wrong. The human body is an amazingly complex instrument and sometimes the way we use it needs some fine-tuning. If you experience pain when walking or running or […]

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You’ve heard the phrase about your Achilles’ heel and how it can be your weak link in an otherwise healthy, strong, body. While there is accuracy to the expression, the Achilles tendon is actually the thickest and strongest tendon in the body and it is hard at work for you each day. When the calf […]

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Rose Johnson Foot Reconstruction Deer Park, WA     “I used orthotics for 15 years to try to mask the pain from a pronated ankle. Surgery wasn’t even an option – I couldn’t imagine being laid up for months and months. But then I heard a ‘pop’ when I planted my foot during a league […]

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