
We wait for summer all year long. Races, swimming, frisbee in the park, and that perfect day at the beach. It really is the best time of year.With all our activities are in full swing, we try to see how much we can fit in these short Spokane summers. This past month in Washington State, […]

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With summer in full swing, America’s favorite pastime is as well: baseball! If you’ve ever watched a game, you know how fast it can change. One hit, catch, or throw can bring a win or a loss, which is why it’s so exciting! But whether it’s your child’s little league game, your work softball team, […]

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Cars may need fixing, houses may need repairs, and the occasional broken bone needs to mend. You’re used to fixing things and waiting for things to heal! That’s the nature of life – that things will certainly break and you must decide how to fix what you can. When it comes to your joints, it’s […]

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Spring is off to a running start and with it comes many of our favorite outdoor activities. Among them, races of every kind: bike races, triathlons, 5ks, and even races in the mud! Being active is great for our health, but another part of taking care of our bodies is knowing how to rest after […]

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  Among road races it’s legendary, attracting about 50,000 people from all over the world to participate in the world’s largest 10k. Bloomsday is Spokane’s crowning jewel of sporting events and it’s hard to imagine springtime in Spokane without it. With registration open, now is the perfect time to start your training programs and get […]

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  The most common type of car accident is the dreaded rear-end collision. The fender bender. Chances are you’ve been involved in one or several in your driving experience and if you have, you may know a few things about whiplash. Whiplash is the most commonly reported injury from car accidents each year. Muscles and […]

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