
We wait for summer all year long. Races, swimming, frisbee in the park, and that perfect day at the beach. It really is the best time of year.With all our activities are in full swing, we try to see how much we can fit in these short Spokane summers. This past month in Washington State, […]

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With summer in full swing, America’s favorite pastime is as well: baseball! If you’ve ever watched a game, you know how fast it can change. One hit, catch, or throw can bring a win or a loss, which is why it’s so exciting! But whether it’s your child’s little league game, your work softball team, […]

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Spring is off to a running start and with it comes many of our favorite outdoor activities. Among them, races of every kind: bike races, triathlons, 5ks, and even races in the mud! Being active is great for our health, but another part of taking care of our bodies is knowing how to rest after […]

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There are a lot of things that change as you age. Hopefully, you get wiser, more confident in your abilities and enjoy longer and healthier relationships. Unfortunately as you get older, you will also begin to feel the effects of aging on your body. The biggest change that many people begin to notice, besides clothes […]

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  Think about the way you’re sitting as you read this. More specifically, how is your posture? As you move throughout your day, you are constantly changing postures and situations. It’s not something that you may pay attention to but the way you carry yourself, especially over time, has a huge impact on your health. […]

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  Among road races it’s legendary, attracting about 50,000 people from all over the world to participate in the world’s largest 10k. Bloomsday is Spokane’s crowning jewel of sporting events and it’s hard to imagine springtime in Spokane without it. With registration open, now is the perfect time to start your training programs and get […]

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By now, you probably realize that sitting down at a desk all day isn’t good for your health. High blood pressure, obesity, and increased risk of stroke are just a few of the effects of chronic  inactivity. Knowing about the risks is one thing, but changing your lifestyle can be more difficult. And if you’re […]

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    We’ve heard that a change in diet may help cholesterol levels or help to bring down blood pressure, but what effect can diet have on our joints?  Although orthopedics tends to be a field of fixing things that are already broken, there are some things you can start changing about your diet that […]

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If you’ve ever sprained your ankle, stubbed your toe, or bumped into an unseen object in the dark, then you know how bad minor injuries can hurt. Sometimes we walk it off and move on. Other times the swelling doesn’t come down and mobility decreases, and that’s when you might wonder if its time to […]

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A great mind once said, ‘we are what we repeatedly do’.  It is our habits that define not only our character but also our physical health.  Bad form in any repetitive motion will eventually lead to injury.  When this happens, it’s called RSI, a Repetitive Stress Injury from overuse of tendons, muscles nerves and other […]

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It’s that time of year. The weather is getting colder and the mountains are calling. Ski season is just around the corner and you can’t wait to get in that first run of the year. Skiing is something we look forward to and love doing, but in all the excitement, it’s easy to forget about […]

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