
  As new research is constantly emerging, it’s hard to keep track of what health routine to add to your life. Some new trend comes out one year only to be replaced by another claiming better results. (Do you still have your barefoot running shoes?) But here’s an exercise that all healthcare professionals can agree […]

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Hitting your ‘funny bone’. It’s one of the only injuries that we can laugh about, literally. It’s even become an expression that we use for something funny that catches us off guard. The sensation is so strange that we’re not sure whether to laugh or cry. However, contrary to its title, the pain that we […]

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Owen Davis Elbow Reconstruction Chewelah, WA   “It all started when I fell off of a ladder while working on my roof. I knew I had hurt my arm, but I could move everything so I thought it was ok. The original diagnosis from the doctor in my hometown was that it was not broken, but […]

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