
If you’ve ever sprained your ankle, stubbed your toe, or bumped into an unseen object in the dark, then you know how bad minor injuries can hurt. Sometimes we walk it off and move on. Other times the swelling doesn’t come down and mobility decreases, and that’s when you might wonder if its time to […]

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  As new research is constantly emerging, it’s hard to keep track of what health routine to add to your life. Some new trend comes out one year only to be replaced by another claiming better results. (Do you still have your barefoot running shoes?) But here’s an exercise that all healthcare professionals can agree […]

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Hitting your ‘funny bone’. It’s one of the only injuries that we can laugh about, literally. It’s even become an expression that we use for something funny that catches us off guard. The sensation is so strange that we’re not sure whether to laugh or cry. However, contrary to its title, the pain that we […]

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A great mind once said, ‘we are what we repeatedly do’.  It is our habits that define not only our character but also our physical health.  Bad form in any repetitive motion will eventually lead to injury.  When this happens, it’s called RSI, a Repetitive Stress Injury from overuse of tendons, muscles nerves and other […]

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It’s that time of year. The weather is getting colder and the mountains are calling. Ski season is just around the corner and you can’t wait to get in that first run of the year. Skiing is something we look forward to and love doing, but in all the excitement, it’s easy to forget about […]

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  Prior to going in for orthopedic surgery it is ideal to begin advanced planning to prepare yourself and your home for the recovery process. After surgery has been completed, you will likely be sent home with special instructions on how to heal over time. It will be extremely important to follow the instructions and […]

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  Recent studies have shown that prolonged instances of sitting raises the risk of many diseases and ailments. Sitting has been compared to smoking due to emerging research indicating “that sitting increases your risk of death and disease, even if you are getting plenty of physical activity. It’s a bit like smoking. Smoking is bad […]

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Does it hurt when you walk or run? Do you get repetitive injuries when you exercise? That might be your body telling you that your mechanics are wrong. The human body is an amazingly complex instrument and sometimes the way we use it needs some fine-tuning. If you experience pain when walking or running or […]

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Back in the day, stretching was recommended before anything active. And when people recommended stretching, they typically meant static stretching. You have probably done static stretching before, like when  you sit down and grasp your toes (or at least try to)  for up to 30 seconds. You do this a few times and move on to […]

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Did you know OSC has the only Eccentron in the Pacific Northwest? It’s true. The Eccentron is a remarkable piece of rehabilitation equipment that utilizes eccentric resistance strength training along with advanced measures and tracking. Most commonly used for total knee replacement, ACL, and hip rehabilitation, the Eccentron can help make a noticeable difference in […]

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Did you know that our very own David F. Scott MD has one of the lowest infection rates for knee replacements in Washington State? It’s true. Dr. Scott’s infection rate is just 0.07%. That’s over 6 times better than the Washington State average. We spent some time with Dr. Scott chatting about what makes this […]

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