
The week of March 6-10, Dr. David Scott traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to present research findings at the annual American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) meeting. Founded in 1933, “the AAOS is the preeminent provider of musculoskeletal education to orthopaedic surgeons and others in the world.” The AAOS annual meeting brings together over 20,000 […]

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At OSC, we’re passionate about getting our patients back to their normal lifestyle through comprehensive, effective orthopaedic care. When it comes to orthopaedic surgery, controlling the risk of infection is among our top priorities. Dr. Scott and his team boast incredibly low infection rates compared to the national average. In fact, Dr. Scott’s primary total […]

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It’s estimated that approximately 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. It’s the leading cause of disability in people younger than 45, and there are many factors that contribute to it. Most back pain can be traced back to 4 major causes. Spine-Related Problems occur when something is […]

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Remodeling a home is a messy process. Torn up floors, exposed beams, and ripped out walls all serve as a reminder that things wear down over time and must be replaced. Much like remodeling living spaces, our bodies change to accommodate growth. This remodeling process is especially important when it comes to our bones. As […]

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Spring is finally here in Spokane – the long awaited time of year when the city begins to come alive and the running trails are fresh with the scent of lilacs and flowering trees. It’s no wonder that spring is when it’s easiest to overdo the distance and intensity of our first runs. Wanting to […]

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Whether you’re a basketball fan or not, you can’t deny that there is something special about the way college basketball can make us a little crazy each year (in a good way). Nothing beats the excitement of watching the final seconds of a close game on television or live on the court. And if you’ve […]

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Going through surgery is never easy. Sometimes, watching a loved one go through surgery and recovery can be even more difficult. Watching as they struggle to regain their mobility and well-being can be a helpless feeling, but there is so much that you can do for them during this time. It is up to you […]

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New Year’s resolutions don’t work. In fact, only 8% of those seeking to make a change in the coming year will actually stick with their resolution. Why is that? It’s because, too often, goals aren’t simple or tangible enough. Resolutions like losing weight or quitting smoking are among the biggest failures each year because they […]

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