New FDA Phase Two Study

We are very happy to announce that we were recently selected as a Phase Two site for an osteoarthritis study. We are one of only 25 sites in the world selected and one of only 9 sites in the United States to qualify (the rest are in Europe). We can’t share too many details, aside from the fact that this is for a new class of drug unlike anything on the market currently, but it’s a great honor and we are very happy to bring this level of science to the Spokane area.

Many of our organization’s strengths are tied directly to our research efforts. These studies require very rigorous standards and dictate that we perform with a highly controlled focus on safety —all of which informs our overall approach and makes us stronger for it.

This particular study is related to osteoarthritis of the knee, a condition in which the natural cushioning between joints (cartilage) wears away. When this happens, the bones of the joints rub more closely against one another with less of the shock-absorbing benefits of cartilage. This results in pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased ability to remain active and healthy. (Source: WebMD)

When a study of this magnitude begins, the sponsoring pharmaceutical company invites investigators from each pre-selected research site to meet and review the protocol and criteria. OSC’s Laurie Peterson, CCRC and Matt Sutter, PA-C recently went to Florence, Italy for the initial Study Investigator’s meeting. We’re happy to have them back safely and looking forward to our role in this groundbreaking work.

If you have knee pain caused by arthritis and are between 40-80 years of age you may qualify and should consider becoming a volunteer for this study. As a qualified participant, you will see a study doctor to discuss your pain. All study related care is included. No Insurance is required. You may even be compensated for your time and travel. Please call us at 509-466-6393 or 877-464-1829.