OSC Patient Profile: A Retired Construction Worker Finds A Blueprint for Recovery

John Robinson came to OSC like many patients do: an unexpected injury put him out of commission and he was in need of an orthopedic surgeon and a clinic to help him get back on his feet. Retired from the construction business but still very active, John was helping his brother with a project this past winter in Arizona when something went wrong.

“We were both picking up something to move it somewhere else when my knee got twisted in the wrong way,” he says almost cheerfully, reflecting on the pain the way people do after it has become a story to tell. After returning to Spokane, he knew that he needed to find an orthopedist to diagnose his knee, but didn’t know where to start.

A Step in the Right Direction

After seeing another doctor for the diagnosis, he was referred to Dr. David F. Scott for the operation. The procedure was an arthroscopic knee surgery.

“I was so impressed with the care I received from Dr. Scott,” John says. “He gave me an arthroscopy and cleaned out my knee. It was such a relief to have the pain gone, and it didn’t take him long at all to fix it.”

John had pieces of torn cartilage that were floating loose in his knee joint, creating pain and a lack of mobility. Dr. Scott performed arthroscopic knee surgery in order to remove the cartilage and get John’s knee functioning properly.

“I think the thing that impressed me most with Dr. Scott was how he went above and beyond what I expected him to do. While he was diagnosing my one knee, he asked me about my other one, which I’d been having arthritis in for some time. He asked me if I’d like a steroid shot for it to help it. I said yes, and right then and there he gave me the shot. It made such an incredible difference and I wasn’t even there for that knee,” John says with profound gratitude in his voice. “That’s just the type of person Dr. Scott is, I suppose. He cares for people and wants to do whatever he can to get them back living their lives.”

A Closer Look at Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Arthroscopic knee surgery is very common in the world of orthopedics. A knee arthroscopy is a technique used to diagnose and treat problems in the knee joint. During the procedure, a surgeon, like Dr. Scott, makes a very small incision and inserts a tiny camera called an arthroscope into the knee. This lets him view the inside of the joint on a screen. The surgeon can then investigate a problem within the knee and, if necessary, correct the issue using small instruments within the arthroscope. In this case, the loose cartilage that was blocking John’s knee joint.

Arthroscopy is used to diagnose several knee problems, such as a torn meniscus or a misaligned patella (kneecap), or to repair the ligaments of the joint. There are limited risks with the procedure and the outlook is good for most patients. The recovery time for arthroscopic knee surgery depends on the severity of the knee problem and the complexity of the procedure. In John’s case, the procedure was a relatively simple one.

After the arthroscopy and the operation, it didn’t take John long to get back to full recovery. About two weeks after the surgery, John said he felt as good as new. He credits his fast turn around to good genetics and listening to the OSC therapy staff.

“The on-site therapy facility is just top notch and the staff is very friendly. It was such a huge help to have access to physical therapy right in the same place that I had the surgery.”

The OSC Difference: On-Site Therapy

Being the only orthopedic clinic in the Inland Northwest that has its own on-site care facility is something that OSC takes pride in. Often, orthopedic patients have to find therapy for postoperative care, an extra burden to deal with at a time when recovery should come first. Surgery, although vital to the process of recovery, is in many ways the first step. Postoperative care is crucial in gaining full recovery as fast as possible.

John could have gone anywhere in town for physical therapy, but he chose OSC for a reason.

“I’ve been to a lot of therapy places around town, from other injuries that I’ve had in the past, and I can say that OSC is by far the most professional,” John says over the phone from his home where he is happy to be back to his normal life after his procedure a few months ago.

Patients have the flexibility to receive their physical therapy at any provider they choose, but there are several distinct advantages of using the OSC facility. Learn more about our on-site therapy.

Better Post-Op Care

The quality of post-op care you receive after an orthopedic surgery can greatly affect the long-term results and ongoing quality of life. At OSC, there is closer communication between the doctors and the therapists, which opens the door for a more personalized care and a better chance for an excellent outcome in the post-treatment process. This also allows for immediate treatment adjustments with doctor feedback and input at every stage of the process.

Access to Great Equipment

OSC also has specialized machinery not available in most therapy facilities and some equipment found nowhere else in Spokane.

Although recovery time from John’s arthroscopy was faster than most, many injuries take a considerable amount of time, making the on-site therapy facility even more vital in the long term recovery process. Learn more about our therapy facility.

Asking John what he would say to someone who was considering OSC for a treatment, he says, “I would highly recommend it. It was a very positive experience for me. OSC has a great team of people working for them, everyone from Dr. Scott to the therapists, to the people who work in the office.”

The OSC Difference

John Robinson is one of the thousands of people each year that undergo arthroscopic knee surgery. Perhaps not as common is his great experience undergoing the procedure. This is the OSC difference: a combination of incredible doctors, office staff, therapists, and the latest technology in the industry all working together to give the greatest care possible.

Often, surgery can be a trying time.The added stress of needing to seek out postoperative care is enough to make many people neglect proper therapy. At OSC, we know that during surgery, patients like John need all the support they can get with a detailed blueprint for recovery. This blueprint for recovery is the guidance of our very talented on-site therapists who are there to help each OSC patient rebuild their mobility one day at a time.