Recommend with Confidence: OSC’s Infection Rates Beat the National Average

At OSC, we’re passionate about getting our patients back to their normal lifestyle through comprehensive, effective orthopaedic care. When it comes to orthopaedic surgery, controlling the risk of infection is among our top priorities.

Dr. Scott and his team boast incredibly low infection rates compared to the national average. In fact, Dr. Scott’s primary total knee replacement patient infection rate is just 0.16%. That’s over 5 times better than the national average of 0.85%. For Dr. Scott’s primary hip replacement patients, the infection rate is just 0.32%. That’s almost 3 times better than the national average of 0.91%.

Dr. Scott credits these rates to meticulous surgical technique and strict adherence to all safety guidelines. This leads to shorter operative times, meaning patients spend less time on the operating table, lessening the likelihood of developing an infection.

“I do everything I can to be efficient in the OR in order to decrease surgical times as safely as possible,” says Dr. Scott. “I truly believe that ‘practice makes perfect,’ in that repetition improves the quality of the outcome.”

Successful orthopaedic surgery does not begin or end in the operating room. In addition to a clean and efficient approach to surgery, Dr. Scott also credits rigorous pre- and post-operative education and comprehensive protocols that patients participate in for these low infection rates.

It all starts with preparation. At OSC, we provide our surgical patients with a comprehensive pre-op program, so that they are educated on all things important to their surgery and recovery. We review medications and activities to avoid pre- and post-surgery, what to expect as they recover, when to report issues, and pre-surgery exercises to help aid their recovery.

Similar to pre-op preparation, we have a thorough post-operative program designed to keep everyone on the same page. From the doctor and therapist, to the patient and caregivers, we design this program so that a patient’s care follows the same, strict protocol. From proper wound care to post-surgery exercise, these protocols lead to successful recovery.

“It’s critical that my staff and I do the best job possible educating our patients about proper preparation and expectations before surgery, so that we reduce any complications and unnecessary challenges.”

Where Our Numbers Come From

At OSC, we’re always striving to improve our ability to care for our patients. Part of this process involves keeping detailed data, and for the last 20 years, Dr. Scott has tracked these statistics.

“In order to improve my own performance, I must exam it critically,” says Dr. Scott. “I maintain a comprehensive registry not unlike the big institutions, such as Mayo Clinic and Hospital for Special Surgery, and my benchmarks are as high or higher in all cases.”

The numbers don’t lie. At OSC, we offer a comprehensive approach to surgery and patient care that leads to better outcomes and recovery. If you’re considering orthopaedic surgery, make an appointment and see if we can get you back to a pain-free lifestyle.