Incredibly Low Infection Rates

Did you know that our very own David F. Scott MD has one of the lowest infection rates for knee replacements in Washington State? It’s true. Dr. Scott’s infection rate is just 0.07%. That’s over 6 times better than the Washington State average.

We spent some time with Dr. Scott chatting about what makes this possible and here’s what he said it boils down to:

“I just really like being a surgeon. There’s craftsmanship involved. It’s a kind of art and I really enjoy that aspect. I think that intent and mindset makes my work clean and efficient. Also, I’m constantly improving it.”

Dr. Scott says this clean and efficient surgical approach also means his surgery times are faster than most, which makes a big impact on the infection rate as well. When a patient spends less time on the operating table, they are much less likely to develop an infection.

It’s not just the time on the table and artistry of surgical techniques; Dr. Scott says it’s a complete mindset, right down to the care and intent applied to the post-surgical dressing.

“It’s all a part of the process and I think it combines for really effective and beneficial results for our patients.”

We agree and as an OSC patient you can see this approach mirrored throughout your experience. It’s the same reason we’re the only orthopedic clinic with our own in-house physical therapy department. It just makes sense for overall patient care and results.