Cash-Pay and Travel/International Patients

We are the leader in the Northwest in medical tourism for orthopaedic hip and knee patients. We draw patients from across the United States and Canada, as well as Internationally. We are here to provide you the best care possible no matter where you live.


We offer finely-tuned, comprehensive bundled plans for common orthopaedic procedures including hip and knee replacement and knee arthroscopy.


The process starts with a review of your medical records. If it appears that you are a surgical candidate, we schedule a telemedicine visit with the Doctor, who reviews your orthopedic history and radiographic images with you. Assuming you both agree to schedule surgery, you would visit our office for a comprehensive preoperative exam and educational session the day prior to the scheduled surgery. The, the day prior to surgery the patient stays in a hotel in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene region. There are several very nice hotels and resorts to chose from.


If you are a patient who is looking for the best bundled surgical plan or who is out of network with us, we can provide affordable bundled surgical care at our ambulatory surgery center.