How Our Research Benefits Spokane Patients

Did you know Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic contributes more to the field of orthopedic research than any other clinic in the area? It’s true. This means huge things for our Spokane total knee replacement patients. Not only do they get industry leading perspective and care, it also means we take extra diligence with our work that is not easily paralleled in other healthcare environments. Dr. Scott has been studying different types of total knee device designs, and has proven that some are better than others. Spokane patients obtain access to newer techniques and devices, that may not be available elsewhere. We use advanced surgical techniques and devices, in some cases proven and validated by Dr Scott’s research, special outpatient surgical processes, and are the only clinic with our own post-op physical therapy center. It’s the best care you can get in this field.

Take a look at the difference this makes for our patients:

Dr. Scott was just featured on the cover of Orthopedics Today for the groundbreaking research he’s doing with kinematic knee alignments. This new surgical technique is proving to be superior to traditional knee replacement techniques, and to our knowledge, Dr. Scott is the only one in the area performing this advanced surgical procedure. This is one example of the huge value that Dr. Scott’s research brings to our field, and specifically to patients in the Inland Northwest.

Read more about our research here:

And see many of our scientific publications here.

If you or someone you know needs a total knee replacement, doesn’t it make sense to get the very best treatment available? With our cutting edge research, technology, techniques, and services, we’ll improve your mobility and get you back to living your best life. Call us at 509-466-6393 to schedule your appointment. Or schedule online here.